
ICT Literacy Standards

Page history last edited by Stan Freeda 9 years, 8 months ago

Connections Between NH ICT Literacy Standards and the Common Core State Standards

Tuesday, April 16, 2013   Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH 

Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, 2013 



As the Smarter Balanced online assessment of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts approaches, schools and districts are increasingly concerned about the achievement of their students on these tests.  The computer adaptive assessments will represent a completely different way of testing our students.  This requires an integration of media and technology literacy into our teaching practices.  The ICT Literacy Standards support this integration and fit very nicely with the pedagogy required for teaching to the Common Core, and in fact, all modern learning standards.  In this workshop, you will explore the connections between the Common Core and ICT Literacy and discuss ways in which subtle shifts in your teaching methods can help support both, as they help reinforce each other.  You are encouraged to bring a laptop with wireless connectivity to access online resources, but it is not a requirement for participation.


A wide variety of resources are available from the Office of Educational Technology at the NH Department of Education.

Visit the Office of Educational Technology:

on NHEON.org.

on this Wiki site.

on the NH DOE website.







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