
Statewide Initiatives that Promote Digital Learning and Collaboration

Page history last edited by Stan Freeda 4 years, 8 months ago

Statewide Initiatives that Promote Digital Learning and Collaboration

NH Summit featuring Google for Education,   Wednesday, July 20 - Thursday, July 21, 2016, Pinkerton Academy, Derry NH

NH Summer Educators Conference,  Thursday, August 4 - Friday, August 5, 2016, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 

Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, November 29 - Dec 1, 2016;  Session # Th2-07, Thursday, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Room: Coolidge 

NH Summit featuring Google for Education,   Wednesday, July 19 - Thursday, July 20, 2017, Campbell High School, Litchfield,  NH

Best Practices 2020, Friday, March 20, 2020, Founders Academy Charter School, Manchester, NH




In this session, several statewide and national initiatives that involve digital learning will be reviewed. Participating educators will engage in active discussions about how participation in these initiatives could support digital teaching and learning in our schools and districts,  as well as collaboration among schools. National programs, such as Future Ready, #GoOpen, and SpeakUp; along with statewide initiatives, such as New Hampshire Educators Online, and the NH School Connectivity Initiative will be discussed. Also, the statewide toolkits that are available on NHEON.org will be reviewed so attendees can become familiar with them.  Participants will explore how their current school collaborative efforts might be enhanced through participation in one or more of these initiatives, and how these kinds of initiatives can connect to the overall transition to personalized learning and competency based education in New Hampshire.




Program Agenda for Statewide Initiatives



    • Welcome
    • Goals and Targets
    • Connectivity Issues
    • Workshop Wiki Space
    • Statewide Resources and Partnerships
    • Statewide Initiatives
    • National Initiatives 
    • Report out. Discuss. Wrap Up.
    • Drawing for Bling


Sorry, folks, we can't have discussions, or bling, at a virtual conference!  But please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have regarding any of these resources or topics.



Brief introduction of Stan and general intros from those present. 

A brief introductory question for everyone.   Why did you select this workshop? 


Goals and Targets

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • identify websites and resources available from the NH Department of Education, #NHEdTech.
  • understand the statewide initiatives surrounding digital learning that are going on in New Hampshire.
  • understand the major national initiatives surrounding digital learning that may be of interest to New Hampshire educators and schools.
  • identify where to locate resources, guidance, and support for educational technology and digital learning available from the Department of Education.


Connectivity Issues?

Are folks able to get connected?  You can connect and explore the resources during the presentation.


Workshop Wiki

New Hampshire Educational Technology Workshop Wiki at http://mssle09.pbworks.com.  You can get your resources and information there, for all Stan's workshops.

The site is open for everyone.  Please use as you see fit.  Contact Stan if links are broken, so he can update the workshop information, if possible.


Remote Learning Resources for Schools

COVID-19 (coronavirus) Resources for Schools   https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/commissioner/covid-19

Information and resources from the NH Department of Education for schools


SETDA eLearning Coalition    https://www.setda.org/main-coalitions/elearning/

Resources available from the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA).


Learning Keeps Going   https://www.learningkeepsgoing.org/
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is providing this curated collection of tips, news, and expert advice to help school leaders make informed decisions as they provide online learning experiences to keep learning going.


Statewide Resources and Partnerships

New Hampshire Educational Technology (#NHEdTech) maintains an informational website: New Hampshire Educators Online at www.NHEON.org.





NH College and Career Ready Standards - Link to NH DOE website and our NH standards and resources page.
Professional Development - NHEON PD information page.  Resources for finding professional development.
NH Partnerships and Projects - Information on statewide partnerships and projects that may be of interest to schools and districts.
NH Department of Education - Link to the DOE website.
New Hampshire Educational Technology - Link to Office of Ed Tech page on NHEON, more information on what the Office of Ed Tech does.
Online Learning NH Resources - Link to Online Learning NH, site maintained by Office of Ed Tech, dedicated to K-12 online learning resources and information.
E-Rate Information - Information and resource links about the e-rate program and submitting e-rate applications.
Digital Learning Day - Information for NH schools on Digital Learning Day.

Generation YES New Hampshire - Information on the NH Consortium of Generation YES schools.

Future Ready Schools New Hampshire - Information on the Future Ready Schools initiative and New Hampshire participation in it.
#GoOpen New Hampshire - Information on the #GoOpen Initiative for NH Schools that want to use and support open educational resources.
NH School Connectivity Initiative - Information about the partnership between the Governor's Office and several state agencies to concentrate efforts to increase broadband in New Hampshire, and specifically to increase connectivity to schools through effective use of the e-rate program.

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety - Information for New Hampshire schools for keeping students and staff safe in the online environment.

Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit - Website dedicated to the Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program federal funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
ICT Literacy Toolkit - Website dedicated to supporting schools and educators in their efforts to implement the NH ICT Literacy Standards (Ed 306.421), contains resources, information, and guidance.
Technology Planning Toolkit - Website dedicated to supporting schools and districts in developing effective technology plans and implementation programs, contains resources, information, and guidance.
ET News - The blog of the Office of Educational Technology, which regularly posts information for NH educators related to digital teaching and learning, along with other NH initiatives.
About NHEON.org - Page devoted to the history of NHEON and its development through the years.
  ⇓    Digital Learning - Featured resources for digital learning.
  ⇓    Guidance and Tools - Featured resources from NHEON the offer guidance and support for Ed Tech/digital programs and educators.
  ⇓    Information and News - Features resources for Ed Tech/digital learning information and news.


Statewide Initiatives


NH School Connectivity Initiativenheon.org/nhsci

Information about the partnership between the Governor's Office and several state agencies to concentrate efforts to increase broadband in New Hampshire, and specifically to increase connectivity to schools through effective use of the e-rate program.


Generation YES New Hampshire - nheon.org/genyes 

The Office of Educational Technology at the New Hampshire Department of Education has partnered with the nonprofit Generation YES to help develop a statewide initiative to provide an exciting research-based model engages students in supporting technology integration and use in our schools.


Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety - www.nheon.org/oet/safety.htm

Information for New Hampshire schools for keeping students and staff safe in the online environment.


Title IV-A Project Planning Toolkit - nheon.org/titleiva

This toolkit is a resource to provide guidance, information, and support for schools and districts as they develop their Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Programs for federal funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act.  This is the main funding source for educational technology from the US Department of Education.


ICT Literacy Toolkit - nheon.org/ictliteracy 

This toolkit represents a work-in-progress that is meant as a resource to provide guidance, information, and support for schools and districts as they develop and improve their K-12 ICT Literacy program. This process continues to be a change process in our schools in order to ensure that our students have the digital skills necessary for college and career in the 21st century.

Technology Planning Toolkit - nheon.org/techplanning 

This Online School Technology Planning Guide provides resources and a recommended outline for district technology committees as they create, implement and update their school or district technology plans. The Office of Educational Technology at the New Hampshire Department of Education strongly encourages the development of district technology plans that focus technology priorites towards the infrastructure necessary to promote teaching, learning, assessing and producing powered with technology.


NH Partnerships and Projects - nheon.org/nh_projects  

Information on statewide partnerships with tech companies for statewide deals on digital tools and resources, and other statewide projects that may be of interest to schools and districts.  #NHEdTech has established partnerships with many resource providers to obtain discounted rates for services and devices.  Visit this page for the complete list of current deals and information on how to get them.


ESRIhttp://nheon.org/nh_projects/esri.html       NHEdGIS - www.nhedgis.org

New Hampshire is one of several states in the nation that can provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software to every school in the state free of charge. Thanks to a statewide partnership agreement between Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), the world's leading GIS software developer, and the New Hampshire Department of Education, these new licenses will allow every public, private and charter K-12 school throughout the state unprecedented access to Esri's state-of-the-art GIS tools for use in education and research.

SketchUp Prowww.sketchup.com  

SketchUp is a software package, free to all NH public schools, that provides students with an easy way to draw in 3D.  SketchUp is useful from the earliest stages of design to the end of construction. Programming, diagramming, design development, detailing, documentation, wherever you need drawing software.


       Current Categories of NHEON Partnerships for NH Schools

Organization and Planning

Device and Device Management

Curriculum and Instruction

Tools and Resources

Professional Development


New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education (NHSTE)www.nhste.org  

Sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.  We Believe: Learning is essential in our ever-changing world;  Technology empowers teachers and learners; NHSTE inspires, creates, and supports a culture of connected learners.

Software Purchasing Agreements - NHSTE offers purchasing agreements for educational software for a wide variety of companies and products.

Professional Development Opportunities -  Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, and other events throughout the state and the year.

Christa McAuliffe Technology Conferencewww.nhcmtc.org - the largest technology conference in New England.

NH ConnectED Calendar - Connecting professional development opportunities from a variety of educational organizations.

Chris Nelson Memorial Grant Program -  The mission of the Chris Nelson Memorial Grant Program is to provide educators an opportunity to fund a specific project in their classroom, school, and/or district.  Projects to be funded will have a foundation in the use of emerging instructional technologies to assist and enhance content delivery.  


National Collaborative for Digital Equity - DigitalEquity.us

The Digital Opportunity Consortium has morphed into a national initiative. NCDE is working on closing the digital divide by working with schools and community organizations to provide and expand access to affordable broadband at home.



National Initiatives


SpeakUp Survey - www.tomorrow.org/speakup      SpeakUp New Hampshire:  www.tomorrow.org/speakup/NewHampshire.html

Speak Up is a free tool that provides an easy way for students, parents and educators to participate in local decisions about technology, as well as contribute to the state and national dialogue.  Districts that register with SpeakUp and encourage their community stakeholders to participate in it, get their data back so they can review areas of disconnect and alignment between various stakeholders in the school community.  Since 2003, Project Tomorrow has collected the viewpoints of 4.5 million students, educators and parents. The Speak Up dataset represents the largest collection of authentic feedback from these key educational stakeholders.



Digital Learning Day - digitallearningday.org    New Hampshire Digital Learning Day:  nheon.org/digitallearningday 

Digital Learning Day has provided a powerful venue for education leaders to highlight great teaching practice and showcase innovative teachers, leaders, and instructional technology programs that are improving student outcomes.



Future Ready Schools - futureready.org    New Hampshire Future Ready Schools:  nheon.org/futureready

Future Ready Schools helps district leaders plan and implement personalized, research-based digital learning strategies so all students can achieve their full potential.  New Hampshire is a Future Ready state.



#GoOpen States and Districts tech.ed.gov/open/states     tech.ed.gov/open/districts       #GoOpen New Hampshire:  nheon.org/GoOpen

US Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology campaign to promote the use of open education resources.  Openly licensed educational resources can increase equity by providing all students, regardless of zip code, access to high quality learning materials that have the most up-to-date and relevant content.


National Educational Technology Plan -   tech.ed.gov/netp     

The Plan articulates a vision of equity, active use, and collaborative leadership to make everywhere, all-the-time learning possible. While acknowledging the continuing need to provide greater equity of access to technology itself, the plan goes further to call upon all involved in American education to ensure equity of access to transformational learning experiences enabled by technology.

Advancing Educational Technology in Teacher Preparation: Policy Brief   

Higher Education Supplement to the National Education Technology Plan  

Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan Update   



ISTE Standards - www.iste.org/standards 

The ISTE Standards work together to support educators, students and leaders with clear guidelines for the skills and knowledge necessary to move away from the factory model. They provide a framework for rethinking education, adapting to a constantly changing technological landscape and preparing students to enter an increasingly global economy.



State Educational Technology Directors Association Resources - www.setda.org/resources

The SETDA mission is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice.



Report Out. Discuss. Wrap Up.

Exercise using the digital tool, Dotstorming.  Review some of the resources and select the resources you think you will use.  You have 5 votes. 

Go to the Link to the NHEON resources page on Dotstorming to vote.




Drawing for Bling

Lovely parting gifts at the end.  Please make sure you turn in the slip of paper with your name on it.



Downloadable Resources

NHEON.org  brochure










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